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Some Quranic Tips to Prevent Your Kids From Telling Lies

Have you ever faced a situation where you nearly need to beg your young ones to inform you the fact because you believe his answer was no longer what you really wish to hear? You keep on begging and then, come the magic word, "it's miles sinful to lie!"

If you are smiling as you study this line, I am smiling at you too.I already recognize the answer. We all did that. Often instances, after repeating the equal word our phrases fall on deaf ears. The word, "it is sinful to lie" end up too commonplace to your lips and your child's ears yet, you still need to instill the equal values. What alternatives are you left with? Not much, but there are a few hadiths (Prophetic words from The Prophet Muhammad PBUH) and verses from the Quran that you could lightly instill into your baby's mind. Reading them with your family every day might not simplest help you with your task, however is also rewarding and useful for each you and the own family members.

Here are a few prophetic phrases & Quran verses to replace your, "it's miles sinful to lie" phrase.

Secondly, there is also an entire lot of a chapter from the Quran named Munafiqoon which means that The Hypocrites. Here, the munafiqoon are given 3 traits one among which is the liars. I will not recommendation you to apply this verse toward your baby as it's far pretty harsh to name a person a munafiq (a hypocrite). Instead, inculcate to them the threat and Allah's restrict for being a liar.

Not only the Quran educate us the traits of a hypocrite, however it additionally teaches us what it takes to be forgiven. In the chapter, Al-Ghafir, verse 28, Allah said that, "If he is a liar, his mendacity will rebound upon him; however if he is truthful, then a number of what he promises you may befall you. God does no longer guide the extravagant imposter (forty:28)." This verse may be the first-rate one to update your judgmental, "it's miles sinful to lie" word. It is ideal every now and then to train the younger ones the effects of their personal movement so that they're more watchful of what they need to utter every time they talk.

Beside all of the verses from the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH also as soon as said, that folks that tell lies are not among his followers (Riwayat Muslim). As a Muslim, we take our Prophet as our leader, consequently, whatever that he forbid us to do ought to additionally be accompanied. Again, it is so noble to be able to teach your toddler this fee in place of nagging. Ibnu Qayyim additionally as soon as quoted that the tongue will show you what's in his heart whether or not he likes it or now not.

Lastly, I could additionally love to percentage this verse from the Quran as a reminder for us, especially dad and mom that within the Holy Quran, Allah stated in surah Al-Taghabun (sixty four:15),"your possessions and your children are a take a look at, however with God is a exquisite praise." In another chapter, Allah stated in surah Munafiqoon, verse nine: "O you who accept as true with! Let neither your possessions nor your youngsters distract you from the remembrance of God. Whoever does that-those are the losers (63:nine)". We need to all take our time to ponder upon these verses occasionally as we develop our youngsters. Most of all, why don't we remind ourselves about these verses first before we share them with others? Despite being adults, we too want to accurate ourselves on occasion, insyaAllah.

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